Tuesday, July 3, 2012

the year.

this song is on repeat, and this mind is in overdrive.
not in a bad way.
just in a thoughtful, sappy and nostalgic way.
and i say, that's okay.

one day, after a few other steps are taken, i'm going to have kids. 
and when they get to the point when they are curious about their parent's past, well, i think i will be telling them a lot about this year.
the year that changed everything.
the year that everything in my future exploded high into the sky and then began to fall back down into place.
the year i found out what deep pain felt like and what it meant to let go.
the year i became uncomfortable and grew immensely.
the year i rediscovered myself, my heart and it’s passions.
the year i learned of His goodness, His provision, His promise.
the year i depended on family in a new way, and fell in love with my homeland.
the year i moved to Germany and became a missionary.
the year i was twenty two going on twenty three.
and it’s not over yet.

i have no idea where i'm headed, but i'm headed out with a full heart.
a heart to serve. a heart to learn.
a heart to love.
and my time in germany, well, i don't know how long it will last.
one year, two years, less, more.
i've tried to map out the next few years.
i've tried to connect the dots between people and circumstances.
He's just laughing, eyes full of grace, watching me try.

here's to the beautiful unknown...

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