Thursday, July 5, 2012

home stretch.

i knew it was coming. 
i could feel it bubbling up all morning.
frazzled frenzy explosion. 
a breakdown.
there are so many emotions involved with this next step. you name it, i'm feeling it. 
one trigger and bam, there it went.

but there is something different this time. 
last year, in my preparation to leave, i turned to others. 
i turned to those closest to me for affirmation.
for comfort. 
for encouragement.
and what i found was it was not fulfilling. 
it was not what i needed. 
no one's words could ease my heart for longer than a few moments. 
of course, silly me, i didn't even think to turn to the One who is the answer to our troubled hearts. 
now, i know better. 
and there are different people around me, but i still can not turn to them and receive the peace of heart like i can when i turn to Him. 
so tonight i grabbed my ipod and i hit the road.
i drove east for at least a good 40 minutes.
just going, driving, and soaking in what He needed to speak. 
it was a rich time with Jesus.
there is just nothing that can replace the peace that He gives.

these are the lyrics heavy on my heart.
i fought the whole 'liking Jesus Culture' thing for some reason, but forget it.
these lyrics have an anointing and it is right where i'm at.
my hearts aches for You my God
my soul waits for You my God
i've come far to find You here
in this place will i draw near

and Your spirit soars me
to the highest heights
from where i'll not look back
i'll keep trusting You

for i know
You are faithful
my God
Your spirit inside me holds me close
in Your wonderful presence i let go
i cleanse my hands, You burn my heart
i cry out for love, You set me apart

and Your spirit soars in me
to the highest height
from where i'll not look back, no
i'll keep trusting You

from the land of the barren
we will cry out for rain, rain God
fill our hearts God
i'l keep trusting You

for i know
You are faithful
my God

1 comment:

  1. Wow're stepping out in a bold way with your new faith. It's going to be a great adventure...your life in Christ. For me it began at age 26. Now I'm 58 and though I've had fear and doubt at times, looking back it was so unnecessary. The more you trust, the more you will enjoy life. Bask in the SONlight!
    Karen Searls
