Thursday, March 31, 2011

Haunted Houses & Sunshine.

What a spectacular few days.
Tuesday's events have not fully set in yet, but I am increasingly overwhelmed by God's love right now.

Yesterday was equally as great. It was a shooting frenzy with one of my dearest friends, Kelsey.
Yes, we have the same name. We're over it.

A few favorites.

I drive by this house everyday, and have been wanting to photograph if for years. I wish I had done it when I had my 4x5 View Camera!
It was a dream.
 (Even though I was afraid of an axe murderer standing around every corner..ha!)

Dear Blogspot, can I pretty please upload PSD files instead of JPG? Thanks, that'd be great.


Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I've never been one for change. But this morning I was in for a big one.

I opened my email to see Inbox: 1 (YWAM Herrnhut DTS). YES! FINALLY, all the waiting is over. I'll finally know if I've been accepted. I open it to see, that I have in fact, been accepted!

Then I read on, to see that they have canceled the Photography & Journalism DTS I have been originally been planning on. Instead of being July 9th to December 17th, it is now going to be combined into Marriage of the Arts DTS as an Art Track from September 3, 2011 to March 24th, 2012.

Immediatly, I started crying. Now, it seems kind of silly. But I'm one of those people that gets their heart set on things and feels like the world has turned upside down when it doesn't happen. And I had my heart set on leaving July 9th, and being back in time for Christmas. Five months is alot shorter than the now, 7 months it would be.
So, to find out that wasn't going to be the case, I couldn't help but get upset.

So, I then called Coleton.
Coleton is much more than a boyfriend, he is my best friend. He balances out my personality so well. I freak out and worry about everything, he without fail reminds me of the reasons I don't need to worry, and that I just need to trust in God, pray and relax.

Then I get a call from my dear friend Sarah Anne, and she reminds me of this:
"Kelsey girl, God is about to rock your world. He is your heavenly father, and He would never give you more than you can handle. He wants you to cry out to him and lean on him in this, and if you pray and reflect on the situation, you'll feel him saying 'Kelsey, I got you. You are not in this alone, we're doing this together.'"
And so on. 

Hi. I'm Kelsey, and I have amazing, AMAZING people in my life.
And thankyou God, for using them to remind me that You are in control, and that I need you every step of the way.

So, here goes the next step of this awesome adventure God is leading me on. I hear Germany is lovely in September anyways. ; )

God is good, He knows what He's doing.

Favorite verse of all time holds true once again:
Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strenthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.
Isaiah 41:10



Monday, March 28, 2011

To Narnia.

Note to self: When playing around your camera, always set the ISO back to 100 or else you'll accidentally leave it at 1600 and forget to check it.
Oops. I know better.

Nonetheless, I love this shot.
The word Narnia itself is magical, and I think the way the light hits the book and dances on the wall, just enhances that 'magical' feeling.

In other news: A photo I did earlier this semester for Digital Image Processing II - Color made it in as the cover shot for our cards representing the Student Exhibition, starting tomorrow. Happy!

Today was a feel good kind of day.


Friday, March 25, 2011

Date Night.

Steps to having a great date night.

Step One: Go to Chipotle. Order a giant burrito with all the fixings. Take slightly out of focus pictures of said giant burrito. Proceed to get most of the giant burrito fixings in your hair, spilled in your lap or on the floor. Wait... That's just me.
But really, I dare you to try and eat one without making a slight fool out of yourself.
Still just me? Okay fine.

Step Two: Smash a rock. More specifically, a geode! I surprised Coleton with a "Smash-It-Yourself" one today, because rocks are just really cool. I have an extensive rock collection from many, many years ago. But that's another story. 

Looks like an ordinary rock, right? Guess again.

 Smash the rock in a sock.


And there you have it. Date Night.
Told ya, rocks are cool. ; )


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Kitty Lovin'.

Anyone that knows me well, is aware of the fact that I am an animal lover. Dogs, cats, koalas (someday I'll hold one if it's the last thing I do!), whatever it is. If it has fur and isn't human I probably like it.
Well, for the past nine months I've been volunteering weekly with a no-kill animal adoption program, Vicky's Pet Connection. I love their cause, they are all amazing people and love what they do. Part of VPC is a little place called the Critter Cottage. That's where I come in. I'm there loving on the cat's and selling pet supplies. Cutest little place ever, believe me.

I'll tell you what, frisky kitties in low lighting are not easy to photograph.

 Yes. Knox, the cat below, does in fact have a "lion shave". His hair was so matted at the shelter VPC picked him up from, that he required a shaving. Poor guy. He's sweet as can be.

See? They're cute. And are in need of their "Forever Home". Feel guilty yet?
 Good. ; )


Wednesday, March 23, 2011


A few hours of this freezing rain filled day, were spent shooting at site:LAB. A very cool building with three floors of unlimited photo possibilities. Thanks to all the rain that has saturated all three of those floors, I had alot of fun playing with the reflections, as well as the gorgeous natural light.

Everytime the images are enlarged, they lose alot of color and information. So until I can figure out why, small images will have to do for now.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tuesday Afternoon.

It's like West Michigan's little piece of the Amazon. That is, if the Amazon had butterfly feeders and school children...everywhere. But, it is perfect for meeting up with a good friend and getting your exotic plant and butterfly fix.

This moth's wing span was larger than my whole hand, amazing!

Delicious oversized cupcakes!

Meet my friend Gabby, we've known each other since the 6th grade!
