Monday, August 22, 2011

the countdown continues.

ten days
ten days 
ten days
ten days
ten days

that's one day away from being single digits.
wow. i think your prayers as well as mine are working. i woke up this morning, and for the first time in a week, i didn't have a nervous stomach. rather, i had alot of excitement about the journey ahead, and i can't tell you how good that feels.

i can't wait to explore a new country.
to learn about other cultures.
to meet new friends.
to learn more about God.
to grow... and grow and grow. 
to be on my own for once.
to break out of my comfort zone.

don't even get me started on all the photographic opportunities that await.
wow wow wow wow.

ten days!
but, i'm still short on funds.
i've hit a bit of a plateau at $1,700 and i hope you can help me break that.
i would love to see that number under $1,000 before i leave.

do you think you could help make that happen? i really encourage you to if you haven't already.
think about it.
or, don't think about it, just hit the donate button and do what feels right.

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