Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rainy Day Thoughts.

As I was getting ready early this morning, it hit me.
I mean, this is truth through and through everyday, but this morning, it really just hit me:
How great is our God?

At the end of this semester, I was really worried about finding a summer job. I didn't want to go back to Meijer after having been on student leave since August, and I was truly spoiled with my Lab Assistant gig in the photography department at GRCC. But, as school was ending, so was the job.

Randomly I decided I wanted to nanny/babysit this summer. Yet, I was worried about the consistency of it, and how much money I would actually make. But, oh hey, I'm now sitting consistently for not one, not two, but THREE families. Seriously, it's so cool.
Busy and hectic, but cool.
God Provides.

Later in the day today, after sitting for my third family for the first time (got that?), I came to do my weekly shift at the wonderfully amazing Critter Cottage which I've mentioned several times on the blog.
I arrive to find a huge (really, it's ginormous) beautiful cupcake and a card containing sweet notes to me and a $75 Meijer gift card. This all from the three leading ladies with Vicky's Pet Connection, as a graduation gift. REALLY?.....
How awesome are they?
It was such a sweet thing for them to do. I will miss the Critter Cottage and especially the amazing people that volunteer here dearly when I leave for ywam.
I can't tell you enough how much I love it at the CC, and it's not just the animals. The other people that make this place happen are astounding people, and I'm so blessed to know them. They make me feel like I'm changing the world just by running the CC for a few hours, and are some of the most genuine people you'll ever meet. I love them, and their hearts of gold.


Update on ywam happenings.
The money is coming in very very slowly but surely. I've already purchased my plane ticket, which is AMAZING. But I'm still thousands away from reaching the goal. I have faith that God will provide, and I have plenty of time before I need it... I just need to keep reminding myself that God put this on my heart for a reason, and He will make this happen. I just have to keep doing my part, and not stress about it.

Note: If anybody has a cheap cheap (or FREE!) MacBook Pro in good working condition laying around, I would be more than happy to take it off your hands before September 1st. My Dell is seeing it's last months, and I really need a laptop while I'm away. A Mac is just what I need for photo editing and what not; a PC just won't cut it anymore.
Feel free to spread the word about that!

I wasn't going to include a photo with this post, but that just feels wrong.
This was taken during one of our many rainy spring days. Not that I'm complaining, I love them.


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