Monday, March 19, 2012

beginning of the end.

my heart is so full of bavarian goodness right now. 

tour was incredible. my group of ten left last saturday and headed to a village 28 km outside of Hof, Germany. we had a full week of speaking in front of youth groups and schools about who we are, what we did and really just got to spread God's love and truth to literally hundreds of people. 
we also got to hike around the countryside, and eat alot of wonderful german home cooked food. 

seriously incredible. 
bavaria is beautiful, and i'm sure i'll be back there someday.

one thing i did find out the hard way this week..
you don't have to be ninety years old to get shingles. 

i have it. 

 it's just as painful as people say.
 apparently you can get it from stress, and i wouldn't say i'm exactly stressed, but it has been the most intense seven months. this last month especially has taken it's toll on me.
it's actually pretty funny to me, because all along i thought this was only something for the elderly. but it is what it is, and i mostly just see it as a red flag that my body needs to rest.
which is perfect timing because i fly home next tuesday!

dts has come to an end. 
i can't believe it at all, and have a trillion different thoughts swimming through my head. 
a trillion different emotions when it comes to going home. 
 but i'll be there in seven days, and no matter what, i'm going to make it a really good thing. 

this next week will be a week of preparation.
a week of packing. 
a week of goodbyes.

ohhh my goodness.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kelsey,
    I've been following your journey and I can tell it has been an amazing one for you. Sure have missed you at Critter Cottage! Once you're home and have had a chance to rest, please stop by and see us. I'm currently in on Wed PM.
    Karen Searls
