Monday, May 14, 2012

resting heart.

since i arrived home in april, i have felt God ask me to begin resting my heart.
in many of my prayer times it would just ring over and over.

rest your heart, kelsey.
rest your heart.
rest your heart.

how? i would ask Him.
what does this look like?

so i’ve been on a journey of discovering what it looks like to rest my heart.
what i have to do.
what i have to think.
what i have to hold on to.

sometimes i’m driving at the golden hour. sometimes i’m eating old chinese takeout with a dear friend. sometimes i’m playing wii games late into the night with my sister or making up ridiculous dance moves with my mom. sometimes i’m trying to bake a sort of concoction and make a huge mess. sometimes i’m skyping a friend thousands of miles away. sometimes i’m alone in the house singing worship songs at the top of my lungs..
and i feel it.
this is resting your heart, He says.

and then there are days when i step outside and the warm sun surrounds me. the sky is so blue i think i’ve never seen such a color in my life. the breeze is just enough for me to get slight goosebumps up my arms. within minutes, i can almost see new freckles revealing themselves one by one, multiplying abundantly.

i put on my all time favorite, iron and wine.
i lay there soaking up this moment.
this is resting your heart, He says.

and i write.
i record every last detail about the peace God is finally releasing.
i write to remind myself what a beautiful path i’m on, and all that is going on now, no matter how ugly it feels some days, it has a purpose down the road.
and redemption will come.
and beauty will come.
and if i open my eyes, i can see that beauty is already here.
the beauty of freedom, the beauty of choice.
the beauty of dependency on the Father.
the beauty of growth in the desert times.
the beauty of the unknown.
the beauty of a future.
i know i'm a little late to the party, but instagram is fun.

1 comment:

  1. kelsey, i love this post. i'm glad you're finding peace in the small, beautiful moments. hope your heart heals soon. and keep writing. it's beautiful!
