A lot of people have asked what I’m doing on outreach, and if I knew a solid answer to that I would certainly share.. but the lovely thing about outreach, is that it is so up in the air. And that’s okay. We are going to heavily rely on God’s leading, focusing on prayer and intercession. What I do know (in bullet form):
- We are driving! (And still need vans, ehem, prayer request.)
- We will be probably spending a lot of time in Moldova, Greece, Turkey.. and the surrounding countries.
- We have a heart for human trafficking, and want to see justice done. We want to bring identity back to the women who have been sold into the sex slavery… to bring restoration.
- We want to use our art… a lot. And have some BIG (literally) ideas of how to use it to help in these areas of injustice.
- We also want to work with orphans and help however we can.
- We are going out to be the hands and feet of God, and to bring His love and light wherever we go.
- We leave the first week of December, and come home in the middle of February, approximately a total of ten weeks.
If there is one thing I’ve learned in DTS, it is that God provides. When He put it on my heart to come to Herrnhut in the first place, He provided a way to get here and all the money for the first 10 weeks. When I was on Faith Walk, He showed me that even when I had not a single cent to my name, or a place to sleep, He would provide three meals a day, and a safe place to rest at night. When an opportunity arose to go to Paris, He gave me all the money I needed within the hour.
I’ve seen miracles happen.
I’ve seen God come through in creative ways I could never think of.
And now that outreach is a mere two weeks away, I know God will provide all the money I need. In two weeks, my team of thirty-two will start the drive through Europe to get to the south east portion. While most teams are headed for warm climates, my team is headed for some extreme cold weather that a lot of us were not prepared for. Myself included.
Okay. Here is where the humbling part comes in.
We are in great need. Financial need as well as equipment/supplies.
I personally need:
- About 1300 Euros
- A serious winter coat
- Tough winter boots
- Sleeping bag for cold temperature (compact)
- Sleeping mat (compact)
Like I said before, I know God will provide, but I don’t want to sit on my butt and just expect it. If you are in a position where you can help, I would greatly appreciate it. Or please keep me and my entire team in your prayers. Team wide, the need is great. If you are able to send any of the items in that you have laying around, that would be perfect. If you prefer to send a money donation, that is amazing as well. Every dollar helps, and is such a gift.
You can send items to:
Kelsey Callihan
Untere Dorfstr. 56
Herrnhut, Germany
If sending items, they will take about a week to a week and a half to get here, and would need to be sent out asap. Also, make sure to mark ‘gift’ on the shipping label, or it will be stopped at customs and I won’t receive it.
If you would like to make a money donation, you can hit the ‘donation’ button on my blog, and donate through paypal. Or we can work something else out, in which case, feel free to email me at k.calli@hotmail.com.
Thank you so much for all the love and support that has already come my way. I pray that you are blessed for blessing me. It means a great deal..